“If you really look closely, most overnight successes took a long time.” ~ STEVE JOBS


Hi There, and Welcome to Trovare Consulting Services

If you are a real estate investor and want to grow your business or are someone  interested in starting a real estate investment business, I want to help you. I have been a Real Estate Investor for many years, and like all investors, I have made money and lost money on deals. Though along the way, I learned many valuable lessons. Mistakes will happen and are part of the process; the key is to view each mistake or loss as a lesson learned and use that information as a guide to enhance the outcome of future projects. Today, I spend most of my time working with new and experienced investors with their properties guiding them through the process and helping them reach their goals.

While attending Real Estate Networking meetings and speaking with new investors, I realized that many watched those “Flipping” shows on television and really didn’t know what is really involved in this business. They all had false illusions of grandeur and no clue how to get started or what was really required. Over the past few years, I assisted several investors with their home inspections and walk-throughs and kept them from making some pretty big mistakes in judgment. So after hearing and seeing all these issues and struggles new investors go through, and with my experiences I decided to devote my time in helping others grow their business.

The Truth About Flipping Houses

Have you ever watched those “House Flipping Shows” on TV and said, “WOW, that looks so easy, I can do that?” Then you decide to give it a try and find out you don’t know where to get started, or you do and then lose a lot of money?

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